10 Things Your Credit Card Processor Doesn’t Want You To Know

Kevin Scott Rizer, founder of Trade Days Processing, provides insights into the world of credit card processing fees in this informative podcast. According to Rizer, there are ten things that credit card processors don’t want merchants to know. Here are eight of them:

1. Credit card processors don’t care about the “ins and outs” of your business, and are not in a good position to recommend products that will best fit your needs.

2. Credit card processors are not telling merchants all of the fees that they will be charged. For example, some merchants are quoted the rate for “qualified” transactions, and fail to mention the higher rate for “non-qualified” transactions (those where the cards are not present)

3. Credit card processors can hold or take back a merchant’s money if there is a “charge-back.”

4. Merchants can often save a lot of money by purchasing the (inexpensive) credit card equipment they wind up leasing.

5. Credit card processors neglect to inform merchants about programs such as “pen-based debit” and “electronic check acceptance” that can save merchants money, and simplify their business processes.

6. Credit card processors have power to unilaterally raise or lower rates.

7. Merchants need to understand if the person who is signing them up for a credit card processing agreement will be reachable a few months later, to provide support.

8. If you cancel the contract with a credit card processors, there will be a cancellation fee; these can range from $150 to several thousand dollars.